The Problem: Two Deadly Threats to Civilization
There are two main dangers threatening the survival of modern civilization. Both see the world as
divided between intrinsically antagonistic forces, and both advocate violence to destroy what they
perceive to be the party responsible for the problem. The first is atheistic Marxism and its Neo-Marxist
offshoots, and the second is violent extremism in the name of religion. These ideologies and the
movements and regimes they inspire have been responsible for the ruin of good people and for the
destruction of happy families and peaceful societies. They have promoted terrorism, mass murder, wars
and the brutal suppression of dissent in totalitarian states.
Ironically, these forces of real evil have emerged from cultures based on the three great monotheistic
religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, by exploiting shortcomings in the practice of these faiths. They
have been led by individuals who have either rejected divine authority and moral principles for life and
society, or maliciously manipulated their belief systems to serve ungodly political, economic and other
selfish agendas and ambitions.
Abrahamic Peace Initiative: A Unique Solution
The primary responsibility for addressing these civilization-destroying ideas and movements lies with
members of the Abrahamic faiths, who account for over half the world’s population and who share a
belief in the Divine Providence and the moral and ethical demands of following that Providence. The
Abrahamic Peace Initiative (API) has been established to facilitate the mobilization of these people of
faith in a concerted and coordinated effort to counter the forces of destruction and to build a world that
is pleasing to our Creator.
Because of their common spiritual ancestor, members of the Abrahamic traditions clearly belong to a
single Divine Providence that has its origin in the Creation itself and therefore precedes and transcends
all human divisions. This common heritage is manifest in their shared values, including belief in a single,
almighty Creator whose motivation for the creation is love, and whose design for the creation centers
around individuals, families and societies experiencing fulfillment by aligning with the divine purpose.
API is Part of a Global Vanguard of the Divine Providence
The purpose of the Divine Providence is the realization of a peaceful world in which all people can fulfill
their God-given potential for love and goodness. History has shown that God’s invisible hand is
constantly working to bring this virtuous and loving world into existence, raising up champions of faith
to lead humanity towards this noble goal. Abraham was one such champion, and his family would
become the spring from which flowed generations of providential figures.
Being called by God, Abraham and his descendants became the vanguard of the Divine Providence,
shaping human events and providing a path for the Providence to advance towards its ultimate goal, the
creation of a Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The Abrahamic Peace Initiative is intended to build on the
providential foundations established by Abraham’s family and its descendants, and it welcomes all
others who identify with and support these noble objectives.
With this global agenda in mind, API has been established in Washington, DC, the most important city in
the most powerful nation in the world. Partnerships with like-minded organizations around the world
are welcome. API believes its mission is to provide lasting solutions to violent conflicts everywhere, bring
about peaceful reconciliation based on Godly principles.
A Call for Collaboration
API invites all individuals and institutions who share its purposes and wish to join forces in this effort to
become part of API’s Abrahamic Peace Alliance. Please send us an email indicating the nature of your
API recognizes the need for education regarding the dangers threatening our civilizations, as described
above, as well as for the provision of faith-based solutions to these dangers. These educational
programs are offered to the world through the Abrahamic Peace Academy. We wish to collaborate with
like-minded individuals and institutions in delivering these programs, worldwide, so please send us an
email with proposals for specific educational programs or for how we may partner with existing