Abrahamic Peace Alliance

The importance of Abraham’s family in the Providence has been confirmed by history. The teachings
that emerged from key figures in his family and their descendants have provided the foundations for our
monotheistic civilizations, and today form the primary cultural influence for some 4.5 billion
people—over half the world’s eight billion souls. Some 16 million Jews trace their physical and/or
spiritual lineage to Abraham through his son Isaac, Isaac’s son Jacob, and Jacob’s 12 sons, who became
the 12 tribes of Israel; some 2.6 billion Christians trace their spiritual lineage to Abraham through Jesus,
a son of Israel; and some 1.9 billion Muslims trace their spiritual lineage to Abraham through his son
Ishmael, whose 12 sons became 12 tribes from whom emerged the Arabs and the prophet Mohammed.

This shared root in Abraham is important for one primary reason: over half the world’s population has
inherited a common providential purpose from a single ancestor. Yet there is virtually no awareness of
this shared foundation upon which a good and peaceful world can be built. For those who hold their
religion’s history and beliefs dear, this is an omission that should be addressed, so that interreligious
differences and animosities can be transcended through a shared commitment to fulfill their common

For those for whom their religious identity is merely nominal, awakening to its deeper, providential
significance can only serve to encourage deeper learning and the inception of a new focus on matters of
ultimate importance to the future of humanity. In this framework, the three great monotheistic religions
are like brothers to one another, with Judaism in the elder son position, Christianity the middle son, and
Islam the youngest son.

The Abrahamic Peace Alliance appeals to all the members of these faiths—as well as to all other people
who share the ideals embodied in the Abrahamic providence—to become the best possible
representatives of their faith and thereby make the greatest possible contributions to a loving and
peaceful world. By doing so they will be the Abel-type leaders of their faith communities who are best
prepared to work with the Abel-type leaders of other faith communities.

This alliance of Abel-type individuals and institutions will expose the fallacies of violent extremism,
whether it derives from atheistic or theistic ideologies. Instead, it will show the way for differences of
class, race, religion, ethnicity or gender to be transcended by shared altruistic objectives.