Abrahamic Peace Initiative


A project of New America Initiative

The Abrahamic Peace Initiative (API) has been launched by NAI as part of its work to bring the
attention of the world to the importance of the Divine Providence, in history and today. We
believe that since the Providence precedes and transcends all human differences (such as race
and religion) that understanding its workings and aligning with its objectives is the key to
resolving the many conflicts that currently trouble our world.

There have been many great individuals and movements that have advanced the Providence,
and among them Abraham stands out as a historical figure of great importance. This is due to
the impact he has had on the world through the work of his descendants who created the three
great monotheistic religions that account for over half the world’s population today. The values
embedded in their religious traditions have underpinned the establishment and advances of
many of our civilizations.

API honors the contributions of Abraham’s family and descendants as a central element in the
vanguard of the Providence, a vanguard that has shaped history as it has incorporated and built
on the accomplishments of many other major religious figures, in particular Moses, Jesus and
Mohammed. However, this initiative goes far beyond religion in its scope. It includes virtuous
individuals and institutions in all fields of human endeavor.

In secondary pages below there are more details about API and its sister initiatives, the
Abrahamic Peace Alliance and the Abrahamic Peace Academy. If you would like more
information or if you want to support NAI and API, please write to

We invite all those who wish to contribute to this providential work to join us.