The forces of evil never rest, and so long as people are passive in their response to evil it will continue to
exploit their lack of resolve and commitment in order to advance its own dark causes. We see the results
of this type of passivity everywhere, with bad actors seeking to dominate society and international
affairs, spreading violence, bloodshed and suffering wherever they go.
The Abrahamic Peace Initiative is a proactive response to evil. It calls on all people of faith and
goodwill—whether informed by religious beliefs or by a conscience-driven commitment to civilizational
values—to work together to expose the lies of false Utopian promises and to build a persuasive
alternative founded on transcendent values of love, goodness and service, at one with the Divine
The Abrahamic Peace Initiative, its Alliance and Academy, are not limited to members of the main
monotheistic faiths. We welcome the participation of all people who share our concerns and are willing
to contribute to the solutions suggested here.
The Abrahamic Peace Initiative has been launched by New America Initiative (NAI) (a tax-exempt, 501c3
charity). Victor Jessop is the president of NAI and Thomas Cromwell chairs API. If you wish to get
involved in supporting the Abrahamic Peace Initiative and spreading its message, please contact Thomas
Cromwell, and consider donating to it through NAI.